Winter can be a hard time for our skin. The mix of cold air outside and heated air inside creates the perfect conditions for dry, red, irritated and itchy skin.
Here are some tips on how to support your skin this winter to avoid unwanted irritation.
1. Stay Hydrated
It’s not only about what we put on our bodies, it’s what we put in as well.
Drinking water regularly through the day keeps skin hydrated making it less likely to become cracked and damaged.
If it’s too cold for your normal drink bottle water, try herbal teas. We have a range of teas available which also have herbal benefits for sleep, digestion, detoxification and more. Check out our wellness range here.
2. Moisturise Daily
Moisturising daily helps to protect the skin against the harsh cold air. It also hydrates skin from the outside in. Choosing a moisturiser rich in nourishing oils can helps to balance out the sebum of the skin, making it less likely to become dry.
We recommend moisturising as part as your morning and night time routine. The morning application helps to protect the skin during the day and the night time application helps to repair damaged skin over night.
OmMade Organic Skincare’s face moisturisers are full of nourishing oils that help to prevent and reduce dry red skin. They are high in antioxidants which helps to repair damage skin and include anti inflammatory properties to reduce redness. To find the best moisturiser for your skin type click here.
3. Don’t Forget the Rest of the Body
It’s not just the face that can become cracked and irritated during winter. Our hands can be come cracked and dry from the cold air and skin conditions like eczema can flare up.
Supporting skin daily with nourishing body butters such as our Magnesium Body Butter or Aphrodisiac Body Butter can help to keep skin looking lush all winter long. It’s also a great self care routine to start or end your day with.
If your hands are prone to becoming cracked and dry. Try our Aloe Vera Hand Cream. The bees wax creates a protective barrier on the skin to seal in moisture, while the anti inflammatory properties help prevent redness and cracking.
To help sooth skin conditions like eczema, try our Calendula Soothing Balm. It can help reduce inflammation and discomfort. You can read customer reviews on this product here.
4. Choose Your Cleansers Wisely
Cleansing is important for skin health however it can also cause skin to dry out which can contribute to breakouts, cracked skin, redness and sensitivities.
Choose a gentle cleanser like our Facial Oil Cleanser or Foaming Honey Cleanser. These gently cleanse the skin without drying it out. The oil cleanser is especially beneficial if you are prone to dry skin. It helps to clean as well as balance out the sebum which leaves skin feeling clean and moisturised at the same time.
5. Gentle Exfoliation
When we have dry skin we often think scrubbing it off is the answers. In some cases removing the dry dead skin can help to encourage new skin to grow however, shedding off too many layers can have the opposite effect and cause skin to dry out.
Look for products that gently exfoliate while nourishing skin with beneficial oils at the same time. Our Vitamin C Face Scrub does just this. The inclusion of finely ground olive stone allows gentle exfoliation while the olive oil nourishes and cleanses in the background. It’s also high in Vitamin C which is one of the most powerful antioxidants in skin care.
6. Avoid Heat
When the cold weather comes, we naturally want to be under the aircon or in a hot shower. While these can make us feel better, they can also contribute to dry, irritated skin.
Avoid pointing hot air directly onto your face or body. Point car air vents away from your face to allow the car to be warm without dry warm air hitting your skin.
Try to keep showers short and warm only. Long hot showers dry out the skin and contribute to redness.
7. Other Ways to Protect Winter Skin
Even though the weather is cooler, the sun is still out. If you are going to be exposed to the sun for long periods of time, add a layer of protection. Our 3 face moisturisers have sun protective ingredients however if you need a little extra protection try our Sun Protective Lotion. It can be used on both face and body.
Protect your lips from becoming dry and crack by applying lip balms through the day. Our Honey Pot Lip Balm and Shimmering Spearmint Lip Balms contain beeswax to protect the skin as well as olive and coconut oil to nourish and moisturise the lips.
8. Avoid Toxins and Nasties.
Chemicals including fragrances can be drying to the skin contributing to irritation and redness. They can also deplete the skin of nutrients as well as add to the body’s toxic load weakening the immune system.
That’s why we believe if you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin!
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